Complimentary online smile assessment

Submit your photos (it takes two minutes) and receive a complimentary written assessment from one of London’s premium dentists without leaving your home.

How it works

Please follow these four steps to help our dentists with your complimentary online consultation. They will use their experience and expertise to advise you on the perfect treatment for you. This service is perfect for busy people and nervous patients.

help you to improve your smile and your confidence.

  1. Smile and put your teeth together
  2. Now please take a picture.

  3. Lean your head back
  4. Please take a picture of your top teeth.

  5. Pop your head down
  6. Please take a picture of your bottom teeth.

  7. Submit your pictures

Please fill out the form below and follow the instructions to submit your pictures. Our dentists will email back with a written consultation. We will tell you which treatments could help you to improve your smile and your confidence.

Please tell us about yourself

Your title

Your date of birth

Your first name

Your last name

Contact number

Email address

Preferred clinic

What are your main concerns about your smile? (Choose as many as you like)

Please select

Please upload up to 4 images

Upload your documents as jpg, png, or gif formats (max 2gb each).